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March 15, 2024 - Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Legacy Announces $1,187,500 in Grants to 26 Organizations

The following grants were recently awarded  by Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Legacy to effective education, health care and social service organizations that serve the economically poor with dignity and compassion, to extend the outreach of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas in the service areas of Sisters of Mercy’s former North Carolina hospitals.

ABCCM Doctor's Medical Clinic,  Asheville, NC was awarded $50,000 to provide general operating support.

Ada Jenkins Center, Davidson, NC was awarded  $50,000 to assist with the salary, benefits, and other operating expenses of a case worker in the Economic Mobility Collaborative.

All Souls Counseling Center, Asheville, NC was awarded $55,000 to provide operating support, specifically, contractual salaries of therapists.

Augustine Literacy Project, Charlotte, NC was awarded $47,500 to provide operating support contributing to the salaries of site coordinators overseeing program implementation at partner schools.

Bethel Shelters, Rock Hill, SC was awarded $40,000 for salary support of a case manager.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Gaston, Gastonia, NC was awarded $45,000 to provide operating support primarily for occupancy expenses.

Boys & Girls Club of Transylvania County, Brevard, NC was awarded $30,000 to provide operating support, specifically, a portion of salaries and benefits for the Membership Director.

Charlotte Bilingual Preschool, Charlotte, NC was awarded 40,000 to support the salaries and benefits of preschool teachers.

Communities in Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Charlotte, NC was awarded $60,000 to contribute support for the Educational and Career Coach (ECC) program.

Community Care Clinic, Boone, NC was awarded $50,000 to provide operating support, specifically, a portion of the salary for two part-time Nurse Practitioners.

Council on Aging for Henderson County, Hendersonville, NC was awarded $35,000 to provide operating support, specifically, the purchase of meals.

Council on Aging in Union County, Monroe, NC was awarded $50,000 to support In-Home Services.

Friendship Community Development Corporation, Charlotte, NC was awarded $50,000 to provide support for the salaries of program staff and food costs in the My Sister's House program.

HealthNet Gaston, Gastonia, NC was awarded $45,000 to contribute support for the salary of a Patient Support Coordinator and to defray the cost of medication vouchers.

HealthQuest of Union County, Monroe, NC was awarded $40,000 to contribute operating support primarily for pharmacy staff, as well as the purchase of generic medications. 

HEART Math Tutoring, Inc., Charlotte, NC was awarded $50,000 to provide operating support contributing primarily to the salary and benefits of Program Coordinators and program costs.

Jewish Family Services of WNC, Asheville, NC was awarded $40,000 to support the Healing Solutions Counseling Program, specifically, the salary of an additional therapist to expand counseling services in Henderson County.

MANNA Food Bank, Asheville, NC was awarded $60,000 to provide operating support, specifically, a portion of food distribution costs.

Meals on Wheels, Asheville, NC was awarded $35,000 to provide operating support, specifically, expenses related to two new part-time driver positions.

MeckEd, Charlotte, NC was awarded $55,000 to contribute support for the salary of a Career Pathways Advisor.

Mountain BizWorks, Asheville, NC was awarded $25,000 to support the Latino Entrepreneurship Program.

OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling, Asheville, NC was awarded $55,000 to support the Financial Capabilities Program.

Sharing House, Brevard, NC was awarded $25,000 to provide crisis assistance for low-income residents of Transylvania County.

Turning Point of Union County, Monroe, NC was awarded $50,000 to contribute to the salary of a case manager and other operating expenses.

Western North Carolina AIDS Project, Asheville,  NC was awarded $55,000 to provide operating support associated with housing stability services for people living with HIV and their families.

York County First Steps, Rock Hill, SC was awarded $50,000 to contribute to the salary and benefits of a nurse home visitor and related operating expenses.


Since 1996, Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Legacy has awarded 2,314 grants totaling more than $103,754,500 to organizations assisting unserved or underserved populations in the areas of education, health care and social services.

Announced on Friday, March 15, 2024

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